Twilight Parties are about friendship....and Rob!
I cannot believe how incredibly lucky I am to have so many chicks who love what I love. These are the people that accept my obsession and don't ever look at me like I'm crazy. Well....not much. LOL
I'm actually getting a little sad thinking that we only have one more movie left.
BUT - that does not mean just one more party left. Oh no....we will find a reason to have a Twilight party.
Maybe we'll just start having Rob parties.....YEAH!!!! I like that.
Anyway, I'm coming off my Breaking Dawn party high and I had to share some of the pics and the festivities that went down at my house on Saturday night.
Let's start with my party planner partners in crime......
Well, there's me.....UAB
Then you have my sister Barb "Mrs. Fifty Shades".
This is our 4th Twilight party and we never get tired of this....ever!
Next, Naughty HB.....who made the awesome cake!!!!
Naughty, I'm still speechless about the cake! It's a masterpiece.
And last, but definitely NOT least......Mrs.KassieCullen
Not only is she an amazing friend, but she is a sneaky h00r
and surprised us all with......
Lauren - AKA laureate04 or Q
Lauren came all the way from NY to hang with us!
Please head over to our other blog
to read about Lauren's Adventure here in Chi-town!
Unlike our previous Twilight parties, we did not have quite as much time to plan. That's a good thing though because we didn't have sit around too long waiting for the BD DVD! We always try to come up with something to give everyone, and I always like it to be something that you can't just go out and buy in the store. Last time I made everyone Eclipse necklaces.
So I came up with the idea of making everyone a throw pillow.
Barb and I made 30 Breaking Dawn pillows from scratch - one for everyone.
We had played many games that night.
Each game gave everyone the opportunity to win tickets to win one of these kickass prizes
that were donated by Barb, Kassie, Lauren and myself.
We had books, games, posters, stickers, magnets, pins,
necklaces, bracelets,
and Edward cups filled with goodies.
We had the best TwiH00rs around to celebrate
Bella popping her cherry!
The first game we played was a Twilight Music Game I created
where you got to hear a 25 second clip of music from BD and you had to tell what part of the movie that it came from.
The we played a Twilight version of the Purse game.
We asked everyone to throw some Twilight things in their purse for the party and if you had the items on the list of things we came up with, you get a ticket.
Here is the list, in case you ever want to play it.
Of course we had to play the tried and true......
Pin the Sparkly Peen on Edward!!!!
Barb peen wrangling
I HAD to add more peen pics!!!!
How about a ring toss game with mini E's and a garter???
In all this craziness, we did get a chance to watch Breaking Dawn!
Naughty HisBella
MKC and Q
My Twi-Cuz, Leen
Champagne Toast during Edward and Bella's Reception.....
UAB, Q and NHB
The group that went to see BD together at Midnight in November.
(Yeah, we forgot to take a group picture back in November!)
Click the picture to go to the whole album from party on Photobucket!
Until the next party h00rs......I puffy heart you all!!!!!