Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ode to my Sister....and Fellow Twilight Junkie

My sister and I go way back….I mean way, WAY back.  Like since the day she was born! LOL   Here is a picture of Barb and I from the dimestore photobooth…..not sure what year.  But, awww, aren’t we cute?  Geez, what happened to us????
Anywho, that’s Barb on the left and me on the right.  Probably 6 and 7 ish, I’m thinking.

So in browsing the Twilight bloggy world, I’ve come to the realization that not everyone has a Twilight kindred spirit…..a bosom friend (yes, I loved all of the Anne of Green Gables books too!) who they can share their Twilight addiction with.  It has made me realize how L-U-C-K-Y I am to have a sister who is not only close to my age, shares my addiction and does not judge me, but is more than willing to watch Twilight and New Moon repeatedly, to drool over RPattz with me and generally be a twitard with me.    With all this in mind, I took a little trip down memory lane, and re-discovered that we have shared many obsessions!  I could not have asked for a better sister and she only lives like 15 minutes away!
Oh God, am I dating us, or what?  Yes, despite what some of you might think, we are a couple of old geezers who used to be in LOVE with Shaun Cassidy.   What the hell ever happened to him?
Love the homemade t-shirts!  Those were iron-on transfers that we go from somewhere .  Probably the newspaper….the Tribune used to put iron-ons in the Sunday paper back in the day.  Here a little Shaun for ya.....I still love his hair!

I guess I should stop making fun of Justin Beiber, huh????  LOL

Then there was my rabid Beatle obsession.  Thank you Barb for coming along on that lengthy ride.  Barb always loved Ringo  (very into drummers!) and I loved John or George, or John, or George, or John….. oh, well I fluctuated between the two of them.   We had a core group of friends that we went with every year and had some really good times.  It was fun, bccause by this time there was some liquor involved!  Beatlefest used be a great opportunity for a bunch of underage kids to get a hotel room together for the weekend and get rip-roaring drunk.  God, I miss those days.  Good times….good times……

Then there was our Eric Clapton obsession.  Barb even named her firstborn Layla.  How cool is that????I don't have pictures from that era.  When I did finally get to go to an E.C. concert, and I ended up getting shitfaced on margaritas and then crying during the whole show.  I don't remember any of it.  Barb was there, and I think she remembers it.  Well, in any case, here is some Clapton for your enjoyment.  Still love that man......

mmmmm.......beard and suit E.C.......don't get no better than that!  And singing "Wonderful Tonight"?  Melt.........

So how did our Twilight obsession begin?  Well, it started last January when I finally picked up Twilight after some nudging from friends, and once I finished it, I was right into New Moon and so on.  Luckily, Twilight was still being shown in some theaters at that time.  So I called up my sister and said you have to come see this movie with me.  If you say no, I will go sit at the frickin show by myself, because I just finished this book and I have to see this movie.  Well, being a good sport, she went along.  Well, of course she had to read the book after that, and of course, she was hooked too!  I didn’t take long for us either.  It was only 2 months later when Twilght was released on DVD and we had our first party.  

Our best Twilight moment was going to see Stephenie Meyer on Oprah.  I saw that Oprah was having Stephenie on the show on Friday, (and this was Monday) and I wrote my essay telling them what an insane TwiAddict I am.  You can read my essay here.  Anyway, I ran the essay past Barb on the phone and she helped me out with it before I submitted it.  So when the Oprah show called the next day and said they wanted me to be in the audience for the show, I could not wait to call Barb.  Barb, by the way, has had some rough shit going on in her life, so this was just what she needed.  So I called  her on my way home from work that day, and the conversation went something like this.

Me: Barb, are you sitting down?
Barb: Why?
Me: Because guess who just called?  The Oprah Show, and we are going to the show on Friday to see Stephenie Meyer!!!!
Barb:  Get the fuck out!
Me: For real! Wait…..are you still sitting down?  Cuz there’s more.  Are you sitting?????
Barb: Yes, what?!?
Me:  We. Get. To. See. New. Moon. This. Thursday.  Anentireweekbeforeanyoneelsegetstoseeit!!!!!!!!!!!!
Barb: (unintelligible screaming #&^^%&&^(*&%$&^%*)  Holy shit!!!!
I LOVE my sister!!!!!!

This is us getting ready to leave for our special Oprah screening of New Moon WITH STEPHENIE MEYER……5 ROWS AHEAD OF US  seeing the movie in it’s entirety for the first time herself!!!!!!!!  I so wish we could have taken pictures, but no cameras allowed (and they searched too!).
This is us coming back from our special Oprah screening of New Moon…….

Then there was the actual Oprah show, which was cool, but not as cool as getting a free boxed set of Twilight books and getting one of them signed by Stephenie.  My sister has way more balls than I do…..I could never pluck up the courage to ask Stephenie the question that was burning in a lot of Twilight fans minds, but Barb did.  She just came out and asked, “So, when do you think you will finish Midnight Sun?” Thank God I have Barb.  What would I do without her?  She asks Stephenie Meyer about Midnight Sun and the salesperson in Kohl’s where the minimizing bras are for me because I don’t have the nerve to do it.  I love her!!!!!!!  Anyway, Stephenie gave her pat answer about how she’s cleansing her palatte of vampires for right now, ect, etc, etc…… 
Sorry the video of Stephenie is so friggin short.....I was snapping pictures like mad, and then realized a little too late that my camera takes video.  By that time, I only got about 3 seconds.  Sorry.
Barb with her wicked cool free set of Twilight books......

Me with my wicked cool free set of Twilight books......

That brings us to the New Moon Party that we just planned, prepared and put together, together.  This party was way more over the top than the last one, but Barb was right there with me.  If you missed the pics, go here to check them out.  I just love that I have someone that doesn't think I'm completely nuts (I do suspect that sometimes she does think I am nuts) and is always up for some Twilight related fuckery.  Someone who doesn't think I'm insane because I want to take a picture of the gigantic Remember Me poster at the mall, or stand in the spot Rob once stood on in Hot Topic.  Not only does she not think I'm insane, she joins me.  So anyway, this is my ode to my wonderful sister who is my BFF and I love her!!!!!!

We're even willing to share Edward.....

This is us actually at Beatlefest, with our first Playgirl purchased in the hotel sundry had Michael J. Fox on the cover (not inside though!)  We were just thrilled that we were old enough to purchase it! LOL!

Who is your Twilight Junkie BFF?????  
Tell me in the comments! :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

How Far Out of the Closet is Your Twilight Addiction????

How comfortable are you about flaunting your addiction?  Does everyone know that Twilight is your brand of heroin?  Or are you one of those closet Twilight fans that prays to God that no one finds out?   Personally, I just don't give a shit what anyone thinks and pretty much advertise my addiction regularly.  If you read my previous post you know that I have an obsessive personality.  I also discussed my Beatles addiction, and want you to know that I used to walk around high school from class to class carrying this........
Yes, I carried my little blow up George doll around with me.  And surprisingly, nobody gave me crap about it.  Seriously!  I think that if you just give off the vibe that you just don't give a shit what other people think, they leave you alone (or they thought I was a psycho bitch and stayed away from me because they were afraid - LOL!)

Now, if they could just invent a Rob blow up doll.......preferably life-size, thank you very much!

I guess this is a close as we are going to get, huh?

Anyway, you know where I am going with this, right?  I don't care who knows about my Twilight Addiction.  I really don't.
I bring my lunch to school in one of these......

And I wear these on a very regular basis.....

Twilight New Moon Run With Vamps T-Shirt - 241076
And my car looks like this.....

So yeah, I don't give a crap.  My husband, however, does.  So when he drives my car and get weird looks and has 13 year old girls giggling and pointing at him, he remembers that he is driving around "like a Cullen" and is completely mortified.  (You know the answer hubward......don't drive my car!)

So  how "out" are you????  I'd love to hear from you in the comments.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Standing in Rob's Footsteps! SQUEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

A month or so ago, I posted a video of Rob being interviewed standing in the Hot Topic at Orland Square Mall. To see the video again, click here .  And as I said in my post, I would stand on that very spot and drink in the Rob vibes.  Well Barb and I were doing the mall crawl a few weeks ago, and reminded here that she was standing in the very spot the Precious had stood when he was  here.  Soooo, being the Twitards (I ♥ JJ and STY!) that we are, we of course whipped out the cell phones and took pics.....and here they are.  I know, we are such dorks!  Of course Jake (my obnoxious 13 year old) was like, OMG what are you guys doing?????  He was totally embarrassed....LMAO!!!!!

Robert Pattinson tells MTV UK that he asked Kristen Stewart “out a lot”

March 26, 4:37 PMDC GLBT Arts ExaminerSamuel Lora

Summit Entertainment 2010: Eclipse will hit theatres June 30th, 2010

The lead and heartthrob of this month’sRemember Me and this summer’s third installment of the Twilight Saga,“Eclipse”, Robert Pattinson opens more and more about fellow actress and lady-friend Kristen Stewart.
The scruffy actor admits to MTV UK that he thought Stewart was special from the moment they met: "I do think Kristen is amazing. I wanted to work with her the moment I met her. Our chemistry was so good. I asked her out a lot but she wasn’t having it.”
Adding that being recognized and thought of as a sex symbol hasn’t hurt his cause.
"I have been lucky, of course. Like, last year, if I went out, I’d have to fight to chat someone up. This year, I look exactly the same, which is really scruffy, and yet lots of people seem to have just changed their minds and decided I’m really sexy."
Eclipse opens in theatres nationwide on June 30th. Check out Regal Theatres in DC/VA [[HERE]]

Robert Pattinson tells MTV UK that he asked Kristen Stewart “out a lot”

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I Love That Rob & Kristen Are Picking Up Each Other's Ticks

You know how they say couples start to look alike after awhile?  Do you think they pick up each other's nervous ticks too?  I love these two pictures of Rob and Kristen and the Remember Me premiere in New York.  Hello????  Are they two peas in a pod or what?  I think it's adorable!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

More New Moon Party Details....

So Sunday I did kind of a speed post, just to get the pics up from the party.  I just did not have the energy to handle the details at that time.  So here goes.....

My wonderful sister Barb and I had our New Moon party this past Saturday night with 20 Twihards in attendance.  We started off the evening with a showing of Twilight first.  It was great to watch Twilight with so many other chicks who get it, and because we've all seen it so many times, we let the comments fly.  And boy did we have comments!  I really wished we'd had time to watch it with the commentary, which is   one of my favorite features of the Twilight DVD!

Meanwhile, the food kept coming!  Everyone brought the cutest Twilight themed dishes.
  Victoria made this beautiful cake.
Marissa made the apple cookies and the wolf chow....
Just a shot of one of the spreads.  The other table had the mushroom ravioli that Bella orders when Edward takes her to dinner. (no pic of it)

There was a LOT more food...these are just some of the highlights, and I don't know if we got pics of everything.  To see the rest of the pics, go to my previous post with the slideshow. 
The decorations......

I made this sign for Family Reading Night at my school where I read an excerpt of "Twilight".   I knew it would come in handy again.  I cut all the pieces out and glued them on.
I painted this for Lauren's birthday party over the was pin the apple on the book.  It was just a decoration this time.....I forgot to cut out apples.  :(

A few of the banners I made.....this one using the 
postcards from Burger King

I raided Lauren's room for posters!  Believe me, if I could get away with it, they would be in my room!
I love these little filmstrip picture frames that I got from Michael's for like $2.  They came out really cute.

The Goodie Bags!!!!
Barb, Layla and I spent the last few weeks making the dream catchers.  The dream catchers have a heart charm on them with Edward and Jacob's pictures in them.  I also made the bookmarks and candy bar wrappers.

The Slam Book
We used to make these in High School, and I don't know what made me think of it, but it was a hit. Got everyone to answer a bunch a question about The Twilight Saga.  Remember, you write your name on the first page, then answer the questions on each page.  Anyway, I'll have to scan the pages one of these days and post it.  Here's the cover anyway.

The Guest of Honor!

My friend Kristen is lucky enough to own a FSE, and was kind enough to bring him along for the party, despite all the pervy things everyone was doing to him. LOL  Edward was the life of the party!

The Big Giveaway....
At the end of the evening we had a little giveaway.....some calendars and copies of the Eclipse script.  Here are the winners......



In the end, we managed to get (almost) everyone into one picture......
And we managed to watch New Moon.....

I actually got a chance to watch New Moon...
A very happy hostess......

Ask Edward

Twilight Playlist

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EP Read-Along with TJA

Mafiaward's h00rs......

TheOnlyMrs(Kassie) Cullen
UtterlyAbsurd Bella
17Forever Lisa
Z Any Mouse
Jen (PE's Ho)
Sara D.
