Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It's TJA's 2nd Blogiversary!!!!

Did another year seriously just pass us by?
Do you remember when we saw Eclipse, and we thought that nothing in a millions years was going make the long Twilight-less 17 months until Breaking Dawn Part 1go by fast enough?  And now, here we are....just 23 days until the most epic of all epic tear-jerking weddings and the hottest of all hot bed breaking Edwards.  Time flies.....when your busy!

We'll be the first to admit, we've slacked off on TJA.  Well, maybe slacked off is the wrong term.  More like we shifted focus this year.  We didn't set out to, but it just happened.  In looking back at this past year's posts - the majority of them are for the EP read-along.  That was our major focus this past year.  And that's cool.  And really, let's be honest,  it was a pretty non-Twilighty year.  That being said, we didn't want this blogiversary to pass by without doing some kind of post, and take a little walk down memory lane.

So here they are.....the highlights from year 2 at TJA!

The EP Read-Along

"Emancipation Proclamation" is one of the best fan fictions out there, and reading it just one time will never do.  EP is a FF that has layers that need to be peeled back and savored.  We loved EP so much and so did so many of our followers - that we decided to make it like a "book club" each week.  Wow!  I don't think we really realized what we were getting ourselves into.  It took us 8 months to read through it.  Thank God we had the help of Bella Tesoro and NaughtyHisBella to lend us a hand.  They gladly stepped in and wrote posts for some of the longest and most heart-wrenching chapters of EP.  We thank them and send them hugs and kisses and bewb grabs and all that!  I think people got overwhelmed along the way with such a big story, and may have dropped off or became lurkers.  No matter what, we appreciate the comments and the lurking.  EP was definitely worthy of the time that we devoted to it this past year.
Well, I guess we are still wordy, when it comes to our Mafia Princeward!!!! LOL

Kassie's Epic WFE Adventure in NYC
Take one Chicago girl throw her on a plane to a foreign city (hey it's foreign to me.. have you heard their accents? lol) add in some bloggers and fellow Rob h00rs and what do you get? The most amazing trip ever! I cannot express how much that trip meant to me this year. We really appreciate all of the friends we have made and I was lucky enough to meet many of them in person during my trip to New York. I would not have had the best trip ever without all of you being there to share Rob with me!

Yeah I was that close!
Well closer but I was taking video not pictures when the precious was right in front of my face :)
Fran, Meg, Lisa, Kassie, DangrDafne

Lauren, Kassie, Meg, Fran, Jen
Kassie and Lisa "We got wristbands! YAY!" *jumpy clap*
Meeting the author... best picture ever lol
Kassie, Fran, Meg, Jen, Lauren, LwE

Look at those two, all famous and stuff!
Kristen, Robzie, NHB, UAB, Kassie
UAB, Robzie, NHB, Kassie
How cool is it to see WFE with your bloggy besties and all around bff gal pals? You have no idea of the awesomness! Bring on Breaking Dawn.

UAB & MrsKassie Cullen

Look at us shamelessly pushing our bewbies on Peter. Yeah that happened!

100 Monkeys

Seeing 100 Monkeys at the House of Blues was amazing because we not only got to see Jackson, and a few lucky h00rs got to meet him
Click on this pic to relive MrsKassieCullen's adventure.

Click on this pic to relive Fran and Lisa's adventure, they got to get aaaaaaall up in Jackson's bizzz ;)

but we got to have a kick-ass time with these chicks!
Bella Tesoro, UAB, MrsKassie Cullen, Mama Cougar, 17Forever Lisa, Naughty HB


Bella Tesoro, NHB, MrsKassie Cullen, 17Forever Lisa, UAB
*you can find all of MrsKassieCullen's photos here the password is Chicago

 Here's to another great year filled with Rob/Twilighty goodness!
Thanks to everyone who follows or lurks!
We love you all!
UtterlyAbsurd Bella & MrsKassie Cullen

And now for some gratuitous silly pictures.....
(indulge us....it's our blogiversary!)
Wow!  Rob's as obsessed with us as we are with him!
Taylor too!?!  We really are making the rounds, aren't we?

ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more


  1. Awwwwww! That seriously brought tears to my eyes. Congratulations!! I can't tell you how glad I am to have found TJA and you girlz. We've all fallen off the bloggy train, but it's evolved into friendships that will last a lifetime and email threads that drain my cell phone battery daily. LOL! I wouldn't have it any other way.



  2. Happy blog-a-versery ladies!!

    I was so glad to be taken under your wings in NY, Ms. Kassie and welcomed into this group! Loved the EP read along - even if I was REALLY bad at remembering to post my thoughts. And I'm glad to have you ladies as co-hoor(t)s on the 12months blog too!! I never would have jumped into helping with a blog (and being tech advisor to it too apparently...haha) without your support and I'm having such a great time!

    Thanks for the laughs, hugs, love, and escape! You girls are some of the best!! :-* Muah!

  3. Congrats on your 2 year blogiversary!!!!

    @Lisa - you are so right about how blogging has evolved into wonderful friendships!

    @laureate - co-h00rts, that's BRILLIANT!! *giggleshort*

    Kisses all around!

  4. Congrats on 2 great years. I'm still reading every post. Love following your adventures.

  5. Kassie and Marie,
    Happy Anniversary!
    Great post. I especially loved the ones with Rob and Taylor being fan-boys of yours.
    I especially thank you for taking me under your wing and giving me a place to feel welcome, sempre.
    Love you both.

  6. happy bloggiversary!

    Have always loved you guys, and it wasn't the fact that you saw Eclipse and were on Oprah as much as how much enthusiasm for that day you both shared with us! An enthusiasm for Twilight, FF, and fandom that just never went away and instead was brought to each new adventure you guys had and shared!

    I've always had fun with you guys...from day 1!

  7. *sniff sniff* you are all making me teary! I have loved every second I've gotten to spend with you all over the past (almost for me) 2 years whether it be through blogging, commenting, tweeting, texting, calling or impromptu vacations to see Rob. You are my bestest gal pals. I love you!

    *a hug for Lisa*
    *a hug for Lauren*
    *a hug for Smitten*
    *a hug for TwitardedMom*
    *a hug for Fran*
    *a hug for kiTT*

    I can't wait for the day when I can hug you all for realz!!

  8. Ladies, I am more than humbled to have you both as friends. It was my pleasure to help with Emancipation Proclamation and if you ever need me for anything else, you know how to reach me. Send out the p33n signal! LOL

    Marie: I totally forgot about that picture of Marie-squared from HOB that MamaCougar took! So cool.

    I wish TJA an awesome year #3 and hope to be a part of it! You two ROCK!!!!

    Cheers to UAB & "The Dealer"!! I love you both!

  9. Happy Anniversary!

    Here's to another amazing year of Twilight goodness :)


Ask Edward

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EP Read-Along with TJA

Mafiaward's h00rs......

TheOnlyMrs(Kassie) Cullen
UtterlyAbsurd Bella
17Forever Lisa
Z Any Mouse
Jen (PE's Ho)
Sara D.
