I have a confession to make.
I'm not ashamed, but the truth must be told.
For the past week or so......
I've been a lurker.
Wow....that's not tooooo creepy, huh? |
I have.
I've stopped by your blogs.
I've laughed at all of your amazing posts.
I've ogled your Robp0rn.
I've clicked, licked and saved.
I've just been kinda quiet about it for the last week or so.
I don't know why, maybe I'm completely overwhelmed with all this Breaking Dawn hotness.
I don't see Kristen's other hand! Lucky girl. |
I just don't know what to say.
There are no words.
So, I've remained pretty much silent.
I haven't even made one manip with Jumping Rob.
What the hell is wrong with me?
And then the guilt settles in.
I feel guilty because I've neglected my blog.
But, RL is a bitch. There's no denying that.
So I just thought I'd fill you in on what I've been doing this past week or so.
That FF totally OWNS my ASS!!!!
(No pun intended)
Holy fuck!
Kassie and Fran, I swear I will read any FF you recommend to me.
That's how much I trust you.
You insisted I read it.
I have to admit, that prologue made me weep, and I kinda kept putting it off.
I did keep going back to it.....now it's an addiction.
(Like I need another one! LOL)
OMFG, I am in love with Mafiaward. So much!
it screamed Mafiaward to me! I just about died!
Every night I look forward to the kiddies to hittin' the hay, so I can have some quiet time with my Mafiaward.
Then there are the party preparations for our Epic Eclipse DVD release party.
The Eclipse DVD is less than 2 weeks away and we have about 25 amazing, wonderful, Twilight Junkies coming!
There have been party favors to make
(not gonna show those until after the party....it's a surprise, you know! ),
games to plan (I will tell you that there will be sparkle peens involved!)
and I just spent half my Sunday yesterday making these unique,
one-of-a-kind Edward lounging pants.
Yeah, we decided that we weren't trying to impress anybody.
So fuck it - everyone wear some jammie pants to go with your Twilight shirt.
Let's be comfy.
I've tried to purchase Edward jammies at Hot Topic and Torrid.
They only come in the following sizes -
skinny, extra skinny, and super-fucking-KStew skinny.
So, a chubby girl has to be resourceful.
Head over to Wal-Mart and get some comfy Just-My-Size lounging pants.
Fire up the computer and create some cool-ass Edward iron-ons.
Spend several hours ironing on said cool-ass Edward irons-ons.
And Viola!
Edward-freakin-Cullen PJ pants - in voluptuous size.
I wanted to put "Edward Owns My Ass" on the ass,
but then I thought I might want to wear these to bed with the hubward and
he might kick me and my Edward owned ass out of the bed. LOL
He did chuckle a few times while I made these.....the sense of humor is finally resurfacing on him. Bout freakin time!
There will definitely be more about the party coming soon!
This was also the week of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Pardon me if I digress away from all things Twilighty for a moment.
I was a huge Harry Potter fan before this whole Twilight thing came along.
So I think it deserves some attention and respect from me.
(even if there was not one single gratuitous Cedric flashback!)
I'm sure many of you out there love HP as much as I do.
I really thought they did the last book justice by splitting it into two.
So my hopes are high for Breaking Dawn (see, there's always a way to bring Twilgiht in!)
It's just killing me that we now have to wait until summer to see part two.
But that's not as bad as having to wait and ENTIRE FUCKING YEAR!
Anyway, I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it,
but I knew I was in for an emotional
ride when I started crying at the beginning with Hermione and her parents.
And I walked out of the theater wiping away tears.
That's all I have to say about that. (cue Forrest Gump voice)
Oh, and Ron is buff!!!!
Just sayin......
Last but not least, today is my sister's Birthday.
Have a wonderful Roblicious Birthday Barb!!!!!!