Friday, February 25, 2011

Emancipation Proclamation Read Along

I had an idea for an EP read along from kiTT's TwiPeople's Sexiest Ward Alive, Valentine's Issue.
I noticed in the comments that people had either; read it and loved it, started reading but never finished or had never read it at all. I love this fic and I know you all will love it too, if you don't already. 

I wanted a reason to read it again and this presented me with the perfect opportunity.

How does this sound to all of you, each week we read 2 chapters of EP and discuss them here on the blog? We can have some discussion questions to prompt you to ask your own or a way to talk about how you felt about what you read.

EP was my first ever ff. I loved reading it but I didn't really have anyone to discuss it with. So now is the chance we all have to read an awesome fic and discuss it with each other.

Thanks Fran.. I love all the EP like manips you find!!

If you have read it already, join us and re-read. If you have started and never finished, start from the beginning and finally finish. If you have never read it at all now is your chance to read it and discuss it with a wonderful group of ladies that will give you all sorts of feedback and encouragement.

Some of the wonderful ladies that are already on board..
Me and Marie

You don't need to have your own blog to participate. Everyone is welcome to read along with us following the life of Mafiaward and his Bella Ragazza.

So for next weekend read the prologue and chapter 2. Come back here any time next weekend, we will have a post up and ready Friday and you can come here all weekend to discuss. The prologue is short so we will be taking it kinda easy for the first week.

Click the picture to link to the story......

We are really excited about this and can't wait to hear from you!

Let us know in the comments but also email us to tell us you're in

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Life is too short......

Kassie and I just wanted to take a moment to express our sadness at the loss of one of our own who taken from us all too soon.

I had just become friends on Facebook with Uber_Vamp about a month ago, so I did not really have a chance to get to know her as much as some of you.  Her loss is felt by us nonetheless.
Our thoughts and prayers are with her family, her friends and everyone who's life she touched in some way.

There have been some beautiful posts about her written by our fellow Bloggers, Twitterers and Tumblrs that have really touched our hearts.  If we've realized anything these last couple of days, it's that this fandom is filled with amazing, caring women.  Well, we already knew that, but it takes a tragic accident to really pull that into focus sometimes.

We've also realized that life is too short.  And as sad as it is to say, you never know when you are having your last conversation with someone.  Having said that, our aspiration for the future is to make sure we make an effort to get to know our fellow Twihards better.  Maybe through emails, Twitter or Facebook.  Maybe through you ladies posting on our Twilight Junkie Tuesdays. (If you would like to do this, let us know).  We want to know all of you as the wonderful chicks that you are and not just as a name in our list of followers.  So if you get random emails from us.....that's why. :)
We love each and every one of you!

If you followed Uber_Vamp on Tumblr, 
you know how much she loved Rob
so to Ania, wherever you's Rob for you bb!
Love, Marie and Kassie

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day! 
Marie and I wanted to give you all a little something for Valentines day. We have made some special Valentines. We love you all and sincerely hope you are having a wonderful Valentines day!

For all of you; our followers, fellow bloggers, commenters, lurkers... we prefer to call you
FRIENDS most of all! Happy Valentines Day!!!


This was the Valentine that started it all. For Mi Bella Ragazza, Fran. Happy Valentines Day!!!



Jen- Not only do Robsten hope you and your fiancée have lots and lots of happiness; we all do!



Robzsinger- This was as close to getting you a personal Valentine from Eddie as I could pull off.
*whispers* I didn't want to steal from his author, I don't want to make him angry... or do I???










Have a wonderful Valentines Day!!!

I just found this video on YouTube and I had to add it to the post!
Valentine Wishes from Rob'll never guess who! LOL

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Trixie and Tess Are Having a PE Giveaway!!!!!

Those amazing and generous girls
Trixie and Tess
are having a PE giveaway!!!!!!

I already know that if I were to win 
a new PE
I would give it to
my amazing, wonderful co-blogger
who is in serious need of a PE!!!!!

Click here and show them some love!

Trixie and Tess Tell All

Sunday, February 6, 2011

New Rob Wallpapers

 As promised, here are some new Rob wallpapers that I made while I was snowed in last week.
Click, Lick and Save........

And if those panty melting pics arent getting to you (but how could they not????) here is a vid from YouTube that our wonderful friend Fran sent us.  If you haven't seen this one yet, be warned.  It will hit you right in the girly bits!  I literally lost count of how many times I moaned OUT LOUD while I watched it!
Enjoy your RobPerving..........

Friday, February 4, 2011

We are Twihearted here!

Did you know that the month of February is American Heart Month? It is and today is National Wear Red Day to raise awareness for Women's Heart Health.

DangrDafne and My After Car is an XKR have set up a place where we can donate to the American Heart Association. Please donate to Twihearted, follow the link in our sidebar. You can check out Twitarded for more details.

This is such a wonderful cause. Be kind to your heart. 

Love Marie and Kassie

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Days!!!! Hell to the YEAH!!!!!

 As you probably know, Kassie and I are in the middle of Snowocalypse here in Chicagoland!
You know that they say that there are 3 reasons for becoming a teacher right?  
June, July and August
Well, there is a 4th reason.......SNOW DAYS!!!!!
So while I'm enjoying my 2nd snow day, I thought I should pop in here and let you know what I've been doing to occupy all this wonderful time.
(after I helped shovel us somewhat out)
This is my house engulfed in snow......pretty cool looking I think.
two words.......

You know, I remember not so long ago, when I would read recs for various FF's and I really didn't know what everyone was going on about.
Little did I know that six months down the line, I would be hooked like an addict needs a fix!
I've tried reading Twilight for the 18th time.......
Recently I've tried reading The Hunger Games......
I can't.
Fan Fiction sucks me right back in.
(Okay, so I did find time to read WFE 3x 
but that's because I'm totally picturing Rob as Jacob!)
So I've decided to just go with it and enjoy all the angst and lemony goodness.
Books will always be there.
I just may not ever get to them! LOL

Anyway, I've been reading a little fic called 
"Under the Apple Tree"
It was recommended to me by Fran......who is definitely one of my FF dealers! LOL
(my other dealer is Kassie!)
If you need a good rec.....she's your go-to gal!
Fran, you should really start a blog with your FF recs
.......I mean it! :)

Anyway, if you haven't read this wonderful fic, I highly recommend it.  Edward is a doctor which is always hot and Bella is.....well a hooker.  I think you can probably infer what will probably happen.......and you will enjoy it.
I'm about half way through it and I can't put it down!

Anyone else out there snowed in?
What are you reading to keep yourself warm?
Tell us in the comments.

Watch for my next post filled with yummy Rob wallpapers that I've been making!

Ask Edward

Twilight Playlist

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EP Read-Along with TJA

Mafiaward's h00rs......

TheOnlyMrs(Kassie) Cullen
UtterlyAbsurd Bella
17Forever Lisa
Z Any Mouse
Jen (PE's Ho)
Sara D.
