Sunday, February 28, 2010
The Power of Twilight
Dudes! I am totally freaking out right now! Last year, my sister and I threw a party when the Twilight DVD came out. It was a nice little party, and we had so much fun. There were about 10 of us, and we enjoyed some vampire venom, blood red margaritas, and other vamp goodies.
Well, who knew the power of Twilight. The guest list keeps growing and growing. This year is not going to be a nice "little" party, but a full blown, all out, big ass party!!!!!! Barb and I decided we wanted to do goody bags this year for everyone and we started of with 12 of everything. Shit, now we are up to 21 people (not including ourselves) and some of the stuff we already bought, we don't have enough of and can't find it anymore. AAAAHHHH!!!!! Don't get me wrong. I am totally jazzed and cannot wait. It is going to be a totally EPIC New Moon party. I'm just.......freaking out. I need a little Jasper right now!

Saturday, February 27, 2010
The Day Just Keeps Getting Better!
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Great Day for Awesome New Videos!!!!
Thanks to Twitarded and Robsessed for hooking me up....I needed a fix!
I'm kinda partial to this Edward video....very nice.
I really love the transitions in this New Moon video.....great job!
There are a few pics in here that I have never seen! :)
I'm kinda partial to this Edward video....very nice.
I really love the transitions in this New Moon video.....great job!
There are a few pics in here that I have never seen! :)
Yeah, I know it's a Bogus post!
Okay, I admit it. I have been a total slacker. I follow all the blogs, see what's going on, but for the most part, do not feel the need to post all the same stuff again that everyone else is already posting. So I've just been laying low. Now I'm feeling guilty, so here is a bogus post....just a couple FIH photos I've made. My sister and I are getting together in a little while for our weekly walk, so maybe we can come up with something. Two demented brains are better than one!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
The (Rob) Hangover
This is going to sound crazy (but doesn't everything I say?).....but I think I have Rob hangover after all of those super hot, sexy, unfrigginbelievable photos last weekend. I haven't really posted much this week, because I think I am spent. I panted, hyperventilated, drooled, spluttered and now for these last few day......I've been thinking I need a cigarette. My head is still spinning. I think I know what the cure is......
GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! And here it is!
(Hey wait....are those spats????)
Maybe Rob is feeling a little hangover this week too! LOL
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Don't Miss the Latest Episode of The Adventures of Carboard Rob!!!!!
I love the dogs laying on Rob....cute!!!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentines Day Twilight Junkies!!!!!
I think there is a really good chance that my husband may have forgotten not had a chance to get me even a card this Valentine's Day. It's okay....I totally understand. He just started a job the first of the year (YAY!) but he has sucky hours, which leave him little time to do anything but sleep when he's not at work. Fear not my dear, I have taken the liberty of purchasing myself the following Valentine's Day card. I'm sure it's not something you would pick out for me.....you're more the Shoebox type of guy. But this card just screamed at me.....what could I do. So Happy Valentine's Day to me.
I just love that this card opens out into a poster.....it will look awesome hanging around at my New Moon DVD Party next month!

And what guy wouldn't want to buy their girl a Valentine's Day card that opens up to a pin up of two extremely HOT guys? LOL!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Ran Into Rob at the Mall This Morning
I'm totally serious!!! My fabulous sister and I went for our weekly walk around the mall, as part of our fitness plan to get into shape, in case we run into Rob.....and lo and behold, there he is!!!! Who knew he was going to be 25 feet tall! You know what they say about men and their promo poster size...LOL!
This just took my breath away. My sister and I both reached for our cell phones, and while trying to remain inconspicuous....took really sucky pictures. Now keep in mind, it is not even 9 a.m. and we are the only ones at the mall under the age of 60.....so we were getting some strange looks. The best look though was from my completed mortified and humiliated 13 year old son who was with us. That was precious.
Then on our second lap around the mall, my sister got the nerve to go right up under it and take pics. Yay Barb!!!!! She didn't care that the seniors walking club was staring at her/us. You know with all the New Moon merchandise, plus now this 25 foot tall image of Rob, walking the mall as become an extremely pleasurable experience!
This just took my breath away. My sister and I both reached for our cell phones, and while trying to remain inconspicuous....took really sucky pictures. Now keep in mind, it is not even 9 a.m. and we are the only ones at the mall under the age of 60.....so we were getting some strange looks. The best look though was from my completed mortified and humiliated 13 year old son who was with us. That was precious.
Then on our second lap around the mall, my sister got the nerve to go right up under it and take pics. Yay Barb!!!!! She didn't care that the seniors walking club was staring at her/us. You know with all the New Moon merchandise, plus now this 25 foot tall image of Rob, walking the mall as become an extremely pleasurable experience!
There are no words......
Okay, I have a few words.....Lauren and Robyn....this is not for your eyes. Everyone else enjoy!!!! LOL
I've been holding back this post all day, mainly because my daughter and niece are followers, but I could not withhold this video anymore. It is way to friggin hot! I know it's already all over Twidom, but I didn't want to be left out of the fun! So you will just have to "suffer" through another viewing.
I've been holding back this post all day, mainly because my daughter and niece are followers, but I could not withhold this video anymore. It is way to friggin hot! I know it's already all over Twidom, but I didn't want to be left out of the fun! So you will just have to "suffer" through another viewing.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Holy Frickin' Crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I am dead....
Maybe I'm just hyperventilating....
Okay, I'm like Bella spluttering through the hospital scene in Twilight......
Thank you Robsessed, Thank you......just, thank you! Wow!!!
I can't even type....
Go to Robsessed to see the rest of the amazingly HOT, HOT, HOTTTTT pics of Rob.
Holy shit!
Maybe I'm just hyperventilating....
Okay, I'm like Bella spluttering through the hospital scene in Twilight......
Thank you Robsessed, Thank you......just, thank you! Wow!!!
I can't even type....
Go to Robsessed to see the rest of the amazingly HOT, HOT, HOTTTTT pics of Rob.
Holy shit!
New Moon Shirts are on CLEARANCE at Hot Topic!!!!!
Hot Topic has the most awesome clearance sale going on right now! So hurry up at get your gear for your New Moon party next month. Just have to pass a good deal on to my fellow Twilight sisters!!!!!
My FAVORITE!!! This one is only $12.49 (and that's in 2X, which I need!)
This one is only $12.49!!!!
This one is only $11.99!!!
Can you get your man into a peacoat???? It's only $14.49
ONLY $5.49!!!!
And this is only of FEW of the New Moon shirts that I saw on clearance. No, I do not work for Hot Topic.....I just got so excited when I saw these amazing prices that I had to pass it on. And I checked Torrid (more my size) and they have a bunch New Moon shirts for only $9.99. They must be getting ready for all the new Eclipse gear! YAY!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I Cannot WAIT To See Remember Me!!!!
Hot new TV spot......
And HOT new movie stills......
And HOT new movie stills......
Wet Rob.....my favorite!!!!
Okay....on top Rob, is pretty good too! LOL
OMG! I almost forgot the Remember Me Official Website!!!! I love when you click on it and it goes right to a full screen Remember Me movie poster.....super, mega large Rob!
So now I just have to figure out how I am going to sneak out of the house to go see this, because if the men in my house find out, they will harass me....RELENTLESSLY!
Monday, February 8, 2010
100th Post!!! My Take on the Two New Eclipse Stills
I am so happy to see these two new pics......so sweet! So before I say what part of the movie I think this is, keep in mind that I did read the leaked Eclipse script.....so if you did not, and do not want to know.....stop now. Enjoy the pics, and I'll tell you what I think after.

I think is this at the beginning of the movie where Bella is reading from a book of Robert Frost poetry in the meadow and Edward pulls the book away to kiss her. Then asks her to marry him....... repeatedly. :) Dammit! I cannot wait for June!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Team Twilight and kstew411!!!!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Preview of Rob from Details Photoshoot
I laughed when I went on the blog yesterday, and going down the side by blogs I follow, I just saw this amazing pic repeated down the line. LOL.... I thought, hey, everyone else is posting it, so I must. This Pic is soooo HOT! Smouldering! OMG! I cannot wait to see the rest of them. Enjoy!
Friday, February 5, 2010
I LOOOOVE the New Moon Volvo Ad!!!
I haven't seen this in a while....it was pulled from YouTube before. I came across it again, and had to post. Edward walking across the parking lot.....sqeeeeee!!!!! ♥ it!!!!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Rob at Orland Square Mall
Okay, this is mostly for my sister, because she would appreciate it the most! This is Rob at OUR HOT TOPIC!!!! SQEEEEEE! Standing there, just feet away from where I have taken my shirt off the try on countless hideously tight Edward shirts! LOL (I love the one where Edward's face is completely obscured by my boobs!!!!!) I know that this is reaching, but came across this on YouTube, and I just got so excited! Next time in Hot Topic I am going to just stand in that very spot and drink in the Rob vibes! *sigh*
P.S. He is SOOOOOOO damn cute in this interview too!!!!!!
P.S. He is SOOOOOOO damn cute in this interview too!!!!!!
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