Those crazy girls at WHAT?! productions have put together of new episode - Rob Gets Dumped.
Poor Rob! :( Love the bloopers!!!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Face In Hole Challenge
In checking my sitemeter, I have noticed that a huge chunk of people that end up on my blog used the search words "face in hole twilight". So it seems like everyone out there loves Face In Hole like I do. My kids and I could spend hours on that site creating hilarious manips!!!! Soooooo.........
I'm sure I have not thought this all the way through, but I really thought it would be fun to do a Face in Hole Challenge. I don't have any prizes or anything like that. It's just for shits and giggles. (I love Austin Powers, okay? ) So, go to FaceInHole and type in Twilight in the search.....and have at it. It's loads of fun, and the results can be awesome (or scary, as some of mine are!!! LOL) Then email your masterpiece to me at You have until Feb. 13th.....I will post all the results on Valentines Day. Maybe once I post them, you guys can vote for the best. (I'll work on that) I can't wait to see all of your creations. Click here to see my creations (some good, some bad): Twilight Junkies Anonymous Face In Hole Challenge
I'm sure I have not thought this all the way through, but I really thought it would be fun to do a Face in Hole Challenge. I don't have any prizes or anything like that. It's just for shits and giggles. (I love Austin Powers, okay? ) So, go to FaceInHole and type in Twilight in the search.....and have at it. It's loads of fun, and the results can be awesome (or scary, as some of mine are!!! LOL) Then email your masterpiece to me at You have until Feb. 13th.....I will post all the results on Valentines Day. Maybe once I post them, you guys can vote for the best. (I'll work on that) I can't wait to see all of your creations. Click here to see my creations (some good, some bad): Twilight Junkies Anonymous Face In Hole Challenge
Rob and I can't wait to see your pics!!!!!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Limited Edition Film Cell from Twilight DVD
I don't understand why everyone can't just sell the same DVD everywhere. Last year, I pre-ordered the Twilight DVD at Hot Topic thinking that would be THE place to get it. They were offering the limited edition film cell. So I went for it. Afterwards I found out about the 3-disc set from Target. Now I've learned my lesson. I would have definitely rather had the 3rd disc. However, Target is now offering the 3-disc set of New Moon and also offering the limited edition film cell. I am totally there.....getting ready to pre-order that baby right now. I don't know how many of you got the film cell last year at Hot Topic, but just to give you a preview of what the New Moon film cell might look like, here is mine from Twilight.

I don't know how well you can see the piece of film, but it is Edward and Bella when he shows her his room. A pretty good part, I must say.
Side 1
Side 2

I don't know how well you can see the piece of film, but it is Edward and Bella when he shows her his room. A pretty good part, I must say.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
These Rob Pics Make My Inner Beatlefan Happy!
If you read my post last week, you know that I was, and still am a HUGE Beatles when I saw the pics of Rob from the Wonderland photo shoot, I almost died and went to heaven. He totally looks like a young, hot John Lennon. Dontcha think???? Okay, I've always found John sexy, but I have to say, Rob has him beat. I know my Beatle fan buds think I'm being blasphemous! LOL
Sunday, January 24, 2010
'Twilight' crash scene makes 4th best 'Movie Moment of the Decade'
How cool is that? It is one of the best scenes in Twilight. I think Catherine Hardwicke did a few things right. (when she stuck close to the book!!!!)
Click for the full article from Twilight Examiner
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Twilight (What have you done with my wife?)
Okay girls, you wanna laugh your ass off this wonderful Saturday morning???? Get an eyeful and earful of this. Thank you to my awesome friend Lynn for sending this to me. You made my day!
I think the funniest part of it is that it is pretty much the truth! LOL
I think the funniest part of it is that it is pretty much the truth! LOL
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Smokin' Hot Rob Manip!!!!!
This manip created by Lolypop82 is just toooooooo hot not to post.
Here we go......
Here we go......
Holy crow! How does he do that????????
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Adventures of Carboard Rob
I found this hilarious video on YouTube. These chicks are funny! I love it....and this is just the first of a couple vids. I will say, if I had a cardboard Rob (which I don't *sniff*), I would be more gentle with him. Just sayin.....
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
"Bite Me" Sexually Suggestive??????
I just read this article on the Twilight Examiner that the company that make the Twilight Sweethearts is removing the phrase "bite me" from the candy because it is sexually suggestive. Really???? I guess it could be, but in the context of Vampires......I was thinking it meant, literally, BITE ME. Right? I'm so bummed, because that was my favorite phrase! I love handing people a candy heart that says 'bite me" on it! Here is the link to the article. I just thought it was kinda funny.

'Bite Me' removed from 'Twilight' Sweethearts

Robert Pattinson to present at London telethon for Haiti relief!
I'm sure you have already heard, Rob will be presenting at the telethon for Haiti relief. We are so proud of him! Check out details by clicking here:
The Last Time Rob Cried
Lisa at 17 Forever posted one of my favorite Rob interviews....the one with Ellen. Well that got me thinking about my other favorite....the Jimmy Kimmel show. I LOVE when that girls asks Rob when was the last time he cried, and he talks about the cold medicine commercial. He is so friggin adorable!!!!!!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Obsessed with Twilight???? Me????? Part 2
My last blog post left me feeling that it was..... incomplete. Like I posted prematurely before I got it all off my chest. It's been rattling around in my head the last 2 days, so here goes. I have a few things that I want to say about this obsession thing.
Since my last post, a few things have happened. First, that exact conversation that I recounted in my last post - happened later that very night. Almost verbatim. I swear to God! So I just laughed out loud.....husband and son had no idea why I just busted out laughing. It all started because my son somehow accidentally got my invite for the New Moon Release Party in March on Facebook. I still don't know how the fuck that happened. They knew in the backs for their minds that I was throwing another party this year, but I was planning on springing that on them more subtly. After my son was going on and on, and I'm laughing, my husband said something that he has never said before. "Yeah, I think you're a little obsessed". And he said it in a very condescending way. What happened to remaining neutral? I can blow it off when my obnoxious 13 year old says it, but when my husband said it, it hurt. It hurt so much that I took down all my visible Twitardedness (thank you JJ and STY for the term!) No more desktop wallpaper, no more screensavers, no more New Moon Calendar on the fridge, you get the picture. I even took the "I Run With Vamps" shirt I was wearing that day and turned it inside out in protest.
Is it possible to have an "obsessive" personality? I think it is, and I think I have one. Not in a bad way, like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. In a fun way. Let me state for the record, that this obsessive thing is not a new thing for me. I'm into many things.....including Harry Potter. But there have been a few things in my life that have become obsessions. Let me present some evidence.
Exhibit A
My room in high school - wall-to-wall-to-ceiling Beatles!
Exhibit B
Okay, so my point is this. My husband knew me way back then and accepted my Beatles obsession without question. My oldest son himself, went through a little Beatle thing himself for a while there. They didn't give me this much shit when I friggin ordered my very own Wiggles shirt from Australia, no less. (FYI - for 2 of the 3 Wiggles concerts, my oldest son INSISTED on coming!) So why, oh why, are they so down on me for my Twilight Obsession?????? This is soooooooo not as wierd as my Wiggle obsession. I will be the first to admit that.
Is that my oldest son AT as WIGGLES concert, wearing a BEATLES shirt?????
I love the irony!
Do you people not know me? Do you not know that that's the way I roll. It's just me.....the way I am. The evidence is overwhelming. For the record, I don't drink (much - lol) I don't do drugs, I go to work every day, (and there were days in the past where my class was so bad, I had to start taking Wellbutrin). Why can't you just throw me this bone. It's escapism at it's best and it is not hurting anybody.
Let me just say, that this Twilight thing of mine is not going anywhere anytime soon.
June will be here before we know it!
Wow! That was like therapeutic! Thanks for listening to my bullshit guys. I feel a little better now that I got that out there.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Obsessed with Twilight???? Me?????
I'm sure some of you can relate to the following. This is a conversation that takes place on a regular basis in my house.
Me: Just minding my own business, writing something for the blog, or surfing for more Twilighty goodies
Oldest son: That's all you ever do! Watch Twilight or look at pictures of that fruit cup Edward on the computer!
Me: So?
Oldest son: You don't see anything wrong with this?
Me: No
Oldest son: You have a problem. You're obsessed.
Me: Whatever.....
Oldest son: Oh my don't get it. None of the other kids moms are obsessed with Twilight.
Me: (Ignoring Oldest Son)
Oldest Son: (to husband) Dad, don't you think she has a problem? That's all she does.
(FYI - I do other things, like go to work everyday and teach 2nd graders, come home, make dinner, wash dishes....the usual stuff)
Husband (trying to remain neutral) basically tells Oldest Son something to the effect of move on with your life, you're not going to change anything so back off.
At this point it usually escalates into a full blown fight, with me being accused of neglecting him and being a terrible mother. He is 13 friggin years old.....hello! Most 13 year olds want nothing to do with their mother. Time to loosen the apron strings. Thank goodness the other two kids love Twilight and embrace my TwiJunkiness.
Am I obsessed with Twilight? Hell, friggin yes, I am. What's your point????
I am entitled to enjoy things, aren't I. Why do I have to sit and be judged by a 13 year old???? I have literally purchased Twilighty things and was told by my husband that I better not let Oldest Son see it. That's pretty sad. I have to sneak things in past my kid. Yikes!
I know what you're probably thinking. He's thirteen.....kick his butt. Easy for you to say.....I'm 5'4" and my 13 year old is 6' tall. Seriously! My butt kicking days are long, long gone. So does anyone have this kind of crap going on in their house???? Please post.....make feel like I'm not alone out there. LOL
Me: Just minding my own business, writing something for the blog, or surfing for more Twilighty goodies
Oldest son: That's all you ever do! Watch Twilight or look at pictures of that fruit cup Edward on the computer!
Me: So?
Oldest son: You don't see anything wrong with this?
Me: No
Oldest son: You have a problem. You're obsessed.
Me: Whatever.....
Oldest son: Oh my don't get it. None of the other kids moms are obsessed with Twilight.
Me: (Ignoring Oldest Son)
Oldest Son: (to husband) Dad, don't you think she has a problem? That's all she does.
(FYI - I do other things, like go to work everyday and teach 2nd graders, come home, make dinner, wash dishes....the usual stuff)
Husband (trying to remain neutral) basically tells Oldest Son something to the effect of move on with your life, you're not going to change anything so back off.
At this point it usually escalates into a full blown fight, with me being accused of neglecting him and being a terrible mother. He is 13 friggin years old.....hello! Most 13 year olds want nothing to do with their mother. Time to loosen the apron strings. Thank goodness the other two kids love Twilight and embrace my TwiJunkiness.
Am I obsessed with Twilight? Hell, friggin yes, I am. What's your point????
Look at this....definitely obsess-worthy, right????
I am entitled to enjoy things, aren't I. Why do I have to sit and be judged by a 13 year old???? I have literally purchased Twilighty things and was told by my husband that I better not let Oldest Son see it. That's pretty sad. I have to sneak things in past my kid. Yikes!
I know what you're probably thinking. He's thirteen.....kick his butt. Easy for you to say.....I'm 5'4" and my 13 year old is 6' tall. Seriously! My butt kicking days are long, long gone. So does anyone have this kind of crap going on in their house???? Please post.....make feel like I'm not alone out there. LOL
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
New Moon DVD Date?!?!?!?!? (updated 1-15-10)
Okay, so this is the DVD case for New Moon. Great.
How about a date Summit????? C'mon.....throw me a bone! I have a New Moon Party to plan! I have cute little Edward, Bella and Jacob paper plates to buy, and Vitamin R to track down. Not to mention Vampire Venom (aka jello shots) to make, twinkle lights to hang up....and I need to find a way to get a FSE (Full-Size Edward) past my husband. Let's go powers that be.
I NEED TO KNOW!!!!! :)
Update: According to Summit on Twitter, the release date is 3/20/10 - time to start planning!!!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Happy Monday!
Mondays pretty much here's a little cute, funny, sexy Rob to get your week going. Enjoy!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Rob, Kristen and Taylor Rap....wierd....but kinda cool
I've seen this all over I had to post it. It's kinda cool, in a weird way. I just LOVE Rob's face! LOL
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Leaked Eclipse Script
So, did you or did you not read the Eclipse script???????? Okay, I admit it.....I did. Don't judge me. I could NOT to go to sleep last night until I finished it. I thought for sure I would have a snow day today, so I wasn't too worried about staying up late last night. Of course, the snow gods had other things in mind for me....and I was teaching today. (hoping for one tomorrow though!)
So am I a baddddd girl?????? I could not stop myself!!!! I have absolutely no self control when it comes to.....anything, especially Twi-related stuff! I don't want to comment about it until I read it at least one more give me a day or two. I will say that I was pretty happy with it, but I need some time to pick it apart. I was just wondering if you were able remain an Eclipse virgin.....or did you pop your cherry????? Post in the comments. :)
So am I a baddddd girl?????? I could not stop myself!!!! I have absolutely no self control when it comes to.....anything, especially Twi-related stuff! I don't want to comment about it until I read it at least one more give me a day or two. I will say that I was pretty happy with it, but I need some time to pick it apart. I was just wondering if you were able remain an Eclipse virgin.....or did you pop your cherry????? Post in the comments. :)
Did you peek??????
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Which Songs Are in Which New Moon Scenes?
It drove me friggin nuts listening to the soundtrack after seeing New Moon the first time, trying to figure out which songs were playing during which scenes. After multiple viewings, I think I got them all except one. So, in case there are any more of you out there that are anal like me and JUST NEED to know, here is the list.
1. Death Cab for Cutie – Meet Me On the EquinoxEnd credits
2. Band of Skulls – Friends
Bella with Jessica in Port Angeles, walking toward the bikers in front of One Eyed Pete's
3. Thom Yorke – Hearing Damage
Coolest scene in the movie......the wolves chasing Victoria
4. Lykke Li – Possibility
The saddest scene - with Bella in her room looking out the window as the months go
5. The Killers – A White Demon Love Song
End credits
6. Anya Marina – Satellite Heart
This is playing the Bella's truck when Edward is driving her home from the disastrous birthday party.
7. Muse- I Belong To You (New Moon Remix)
This is playing when Bella drives away in her truck after telling Charlie she's going shopping with
8. Bon Iver & St. Vincent- Rosyln
This song is really's playing when Edward is missing from school the day after the
birthday party, and while he is looking at the photo of him and Bella in her room, leading up to the
breakup scene.
9. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Done All Wrong
This is playing when Bella arrives at Emily's.
10. Hurricane Bells – Monsters
Opening scene in the parking lot.....yummy Edward walking across the parking lot.
11. Sea Wolf- The Violet Hour
This is playing during Bella's birthday party.
12. OK Go – Shooting the Moon
This is playing while Bella and Jacob are in Jacob's garage fixing the bikes.
13. Grizzly Bear With Victoria Legrand– Slow Life
This is playing when Bella is drowning
14. Editors – No Sound But the Wind
This is playing when Bella and Edward are driving in the car after the "vote" and Bella tells Edward
she want him to be the one to change her.
15. Alexandre Desplat – New Moon (The Meadow)
I'm not sure about this doesn't sound like the same music that is playing when Bella finds the
meadow (and Laurent) and I can't figure out where this is in the movie. Anyone????
Interview with Girl Who Met Robsten
Click here for the interview with the 13 year old girl who had her pic snapped with Robsten over New Years! Lucky girl!!!!! She's an internet sensation :) Go to minute 7:00 for the interview.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Thom Yorke - Hearing Damage
Hearing Damage by Thom Yorke has got to be my favorite song (today) from New Moon. I go back and forth between Hearing Damage, The Violet Hour, Monsters, and Friends.....depends on the day, mood, etc. This is also one of my favorite parts of New Moon. Victoria looks gorgeous.....I love her outfit. The whole chase scene is choreographed so well. Charlie is looking pretty cute....LOL. I love when Victoria drops from the trees and is right behind Charlie. The whole thing just has a really cool vibe to it.
What's your favorite song from New Moon, or scene?????
What's your favorite song from New Moon, or scene?????
Entertainment Weekly Outtakes
Okay, Okay, I know these are not new, but I never really looked at them, looked at them until today. These pics are really good! What is it about black and white pictures? Beautiful!
Hello! Kristen looks gorgeous!
Rob.....enough said, right?
Love the "Dracula" pose!!!!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year from Twilight Junkies Anonymous
Have a safe and wonderful new year! 2010 is going to bring us more Edward and Bella.....can't wait! New Moon DVD release parties, Eclipse in June, maybe an announcement about Breaking Dawn (or Midnight Sun....fingers crossed!)'s going to be a fun year!
Here are some hobolicious pics of Rob to start your year off right......

Enjoy 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here are some hobolicious pics of Rob to start your year off right......

And some not so hobolicious pics.....

Enjoy 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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