Like many of you, I am sitting here waiting, very impatiently for my New Moon DVD to arrive. I have to say that after reading some interviews with Chris Weitz saying that there is no commentary with Rob, Kristen or Taylor, I am VERY disappointed! Okay, I'm pissed. That was one of the main things I was looking forward to on the New Moon DVD. I've seen New Moon a jillion times.....I want to watch it with Rob's cute little comments. Watching the Twilight DVD is a completely different, and very enjoyable experience with the commentary turned on. My daughter and I like to watch Twilight back to back - once with the commentary on and once with it off. I honestly can't stand Catherine Hardwicke's voice, but it is so worth it just to hear Rob say "bouffant", "that's the day I had pecs" and my all time favorite, "he's a superhuman moron". I think in one interview Chris said that Rob & Kristen blew him off. Seriously???? Chris, you should have kidnapped their asses and dragged them into the studio to get it done.
EW has a listing here of the Best of Rob's comments on the Twilight DVD.
Is anyone else out there extremely disappointed that there will be no Rob, Kristen or Taylor commentary on the New Moon DVD????? Sound off about it in the comments!
i am so disappointed, i do the same thing as you and your daughter do.. robs comments are cute!