Sadly, I have to admit, I do not own the actually DVD. It was On Demand last summer and I recorded it, but until today, I had not seen the special features. I had a freebie movie coming from Red Box, so I thought, what the heck - I'm renting "How To Be".
Top 10 Things I ♥ About "How To Be"
1. They were pretty spot on with this kid playing young Art - looks a heck a lot like young Rob!
2. The scruffy hair and bad clothes Artward. I don't care if he is wearing that hideous jacket, and dorky pants - I would still throw him down and do him! LOL
3. Chokin' on the Dust - I love this song!
4. Supermarket Artward in the bad brown vest - again, would still have my way with him in the produce section. I just love when he puts his head in the freezer and the old lady just comes along and gets what she needs and walks away. ROTFL!!!!
5. Artward in full manpig mode, scarfing down food.....with the Rice Krispies and the cake. Makes you want to rub cake all over your body, right????
6. Rockin' out Artward - I love when Art is jamming in his bedroom and making the crowd noises - so cute!
7. Artward Fingerporn - Did you see how Artward handle that ball???? And those fingers??? GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. The Hammond Song - I don't know why, but I love this song. My daughter makes fun of me. We have the soundtrack and I love to listen to this song and she laughs at me every time. Some things are just a mystery. I also love our little Artward at the flea market looking so forlorn. Awwww.......
9. Guitar Slinging Artward - just love how he handles his instrument! Mwahaha!
10. The Knuckle Punch - this was my 6 year old's favorite moment in the movie and is now one of mine. He came up with the term "knuckle punch". He said,
"Mom, I love when Rob knuckle punches himself" Me too too.
And that's my top 10!
Honorable mentions......
Whenever I see Rob on the escalator I think he looks like Justin Timberlake. I don't know why, maybe it's just me. I'm not even a fan of JT. There is just something about his face in just this scene that reminds me of him.
Superdork Artward - love when he realizes they are looking at him like, get the hell away from us, and he wanders over to the other side of the car.
I got a chance to watch the Special Features and included is this interview with Rob, which I have seen before. But after watching him as Art, and then seeing this interview, it's kind of a shock - because he is totally looking like Robward!
If you love Artward, and I know you do,
give him a shout out in the comments!